475166 HentaiImperial officers were known to have training against interrogation tactics, but the rebels knew of a method to break her mind and her training. (Adoohay) by TheLunchBuyingMonk
39889 HentaiBeast“I know it might seem strange but he loves this training method!” (zlcrowred) by KnottyGirl4
39889 HentaiBeast“I know it might seem strange but he loves this training method!” (zlcrowred) by KnottyGirl4
445136 HentaiThe hospital noticed a large increase of new sperm donors after the nurses incorporated a new hands-on method of extraction. by TheLunchBuyingMonk
419110 HentaiBeastThe new Sherrif’s in town, and she has a “unique” method to deal with troublemakers… (the Big-Z) by GDRMetal_lady